New originals just released!

New originals just released!

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Online Painting Tutorials

Hi everyone! 

Sending lots of love and best wishes to everyone in lockdown right now, I hope you are finding something each day that sparks joy - for me, that’s my art studio, a space I am pleased to be able to share with you via my new painting tutorials! So if you need a little pick-me-up, grab yourself some paints, paper or a canvas and let’s get to work! 

If you haven’t yet heard about my online painting tutorial series, I recently released the very first of many to come and I am just so thrilled at the response I have received. I’ll admit it’s a little unusual for artist’s to share such intimate insight into their work, techniques and methodology, but in the interest of sharing my passion and happiness with others, I thought 2021 was a great time to invite you into my studio and encourage you to try something new. 

Tutorial #1: My first tutorial focussed on painting a series of ‘mini originals’ which are 33 x 33cms in size. In this painting session, I explain my medium choices, unique techniques and various tools to get the effects I do on canvas. I also share my full list of materials used including links of where to purchase each of them - just to make life a little bit easier! If you’d like to view this tutorial you can follow the link here.


Tutorial #2: Layer upon layer I walk you through the creation of a painting entitled “A Love Letter to Life” which has since found its forever home in Hong Kong.  In this tutorial, I show you how to minimise paint wastage by working on 2 canvases at once. We also cover how to intuitively put paint to canvas by working in sections and ensuring colour continuity whilst using a range of acrylics, inks water colours to create depth and avoid flatness. To view this tutorial, follow the link here



I look forward to sharing more with you as the weeks progress! 
Until then, happy painting! 
xx KJ 

1 Response

Kendall Richards

Kendall Richards

April 18, 2024

I would love to know more about the material you use.

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