
Welcome to the The Art Edit

It's finally here. Welcome to the The Art Edit. 

It's been a long time coming and here we finally are! Starting a blog has been something I have wanted to do for a while now and I am thrilled to have finally taken the plunge into commiting to share frequent articles with you! From what goes into my artwork to how to style it in your home and all the inspiration in-between, I'm going to share it all in the hope that you find some use and perhaps even a hint of inspiration in my words!  

Having an open and honest dialogue with my collectors, followers and artistic peers has always been really important to me and integral to the work I do. If you've been following me for a while, you'll know that my passion for art is born from a desire to find happiness and my purpose is to share that happiness with you all. In the words of the famed Marie Kondo, if it doesn't spark joy - why have it in your life at all? 

So with that said, my intention for this blog is to not only share my artistic musings but to highlight all that inspires happiness in a home. From brightly coloured art, to a healthy lifestyle and a perfectly styled home, anything that sparks joy I'll share because happiness is truly contagious. 

xx KJ

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